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Sarvaganhara, also called pizichili is a heating and sweating treatment that opens up the channels of the body to draw toxins out of the tissues. This unique treatment is one of the most beneficial treatments Ayurveda has to offer to thoroughly detoxify the physical body. It is especially beneficial for individuals who have been exposed to environmental toxins, vapours, harmful metals, viruses, and bacteria. In order to receive pizichili, the body needs thorough preparation through full panchakarma in order to have a safe detox and receive its maximum benefit.

How does it work?

The treatment process sees herbalized oil or medicated milk poured in delicate streams all over the body. The head is kept cool in order to avoid overheating. The experience is profoundly relaxing and blissful when the oil is kept at a comfortably warm temperature.

Types of Dhara

  • Shirodhara
  • Sarvanga dhara/Pizhichil
  • Netra dhara

What is it used for?

Sarvanga dhara is a traditional Ayurvedic treatment where warm medicated oil is continuously poured over the entire body while simultaneously massaging the body. The term "sarvanga" means "whole body" in Sanskrit.

This treatment is traditionally used for:

  • Neurological conditions
  • Muscular disorders
  • Sleep disorders
  • fibromyalgia
  • Rejuvenation therapy
  • anxiety
  • depression
  • Strengthening the body
  • stress-related conditions

What are the benefits?

Though Sarvanga Dhara has been practiced since a long time, it hasn't been extensively studied. To date, evidence-based benefits include:

Pain Relief

Sarvanga Dhara can help with muscle tension and other pain conditions.

Relieves anxiety

Sarvanga Dhara can help treat mood disorders like anxiety or PTSD.

Improved Mood

Sarvanga Dhara can help you in restoring your lost energy making you feel better.

Improved mobility

Sarvanga Dhara can help increase flexibility and mobility.

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Milk Sarvanga Dhara

Dhara is regarded as one of the most pleasant treatments in ayurveda. It is pouring of warm decoctions or oil or other medicated preparations like dhanyamla or ksheera locally to one area of the body like the head or whole body.

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