What are 5 dimensions of human being which our wellness HUB is healing
The Dimensions of the human being Comprise all those areas that contain the potentialities of men and women. The development of these potentialities translates into the personal, integral and complete growth of the human being.
Annamaya kosha
The annamaya kosha is one of the five layers of awareness that veil the Atman, or true Self.
Pranamaya kosha
Pranamaya kosha is the second of the five layers, or sheaths, of the body, which are collectively referred to as pancha kosha, in yogic philosophy.
Manomaya kosha
Manomaya kosha is the third of the five layers, or sheaths, of the body, which are collectively referred to as pancha kosha in yogic philosophy.
Vijnanamaya kosha
Vijnanamaya kosha is the fourth of the five layers, or sheaths, of the body, which are collectively referred to as pancha kosha.
Anandamaya kosha
Anandamaya kosha is the name given in yogic philosophy to the fifth of the five layers, or sheaths, of the body, which are referred to collectively as pancha kosha.
5 dimensions of human being which our wellness HUB is healing
Annamaya kosha is the outermost layer of the five koshas, or "sheaths," that make up a person's existence. It's also known as the "food sheath" or "gross physical body" and is associated with the earth element.
Pranamaya means composed of prana, the vital principle, the force that vitalizes and holds together the body and the mind. It pervades the whole organism, its one physical manifestation is the breath.
Manomaya means composed of manas or mind. The mind, along with the five sensory organs, is said to constitute the manomaya kosa. The manomaya kosa, or "mind-sheath" is said more truly to approximate to personhood.
Vijñānamaya means composed of vijñāna, or intellect, the faculty which discriminates, determines or wills. Chattampi Swamikal defines vijñānamaya as the combination of intellect and the five sense organs.
Anandamaya means composed of ananda, or bliss; it is the subtlest of the five koshas. In deep sleep, when the mind and senses cease functioning, it still stands between the finite world and the self.